Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hey Batter, Batter, Batter

Well my man Bryce Harper has done it again. Him and the rest of the Nationals Team. They played an amazing game against the St. Louis Cardinals last Friday night. I have to admit I was a little bit conflicted as to who to cheer for in the stands but when its a home game for the Nationals I need to cheer for them. I did wear my St. Louis Cardinals hat that my sister bought me last year since I so rarely get to wear it. But I also made sure I wore my Nationals shirt. Such a conundrum but let's face it. I am probably more of a Nats girl now than I am a St. Louis fan.

The Nationals did not disappoint me that's for sure. In the first inning, Bryce Harper helped to get the Nationals 2 runs. I have to say they Nationals looked pretty good out there. I don't know what the Cardinals were playing but it didn't look like baseball. The Nationals ended with a fabulous 10-0 win over the Cardinals. Great job Nationals! They have a real shot at winning the whole Championship this year. 

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